to be frank
i wasn't angry
but scared
* * *
Sports Club AGM made it compulsory
to have min 80% attendance from each member club
in order for the club to get ratified
ie no 80% attendance = "byebye"
never did i think much about it the past 2 years
not until this year
when i became the vp
when i got to see things more clearly
we have 18 committee members this year
to achieve 80% attendance
we need at least 15 people to attend the AGM
1 was in Hawaii, impossible to fly back
1 had lecture, so excused
1 had no choice but to help us all do course duties
we could not afford to have anyone else absent
not a single one
but this girl
she wasn't aware of the severity
she was the 15th person today
she was the last to come
or should i said
she didn't even plan to come at all!!!
she chose to go SEP talk instead of AGM
she chose something not compulsory over something compulsory
she nearly abandoned us
she nearly made HnF disappear from school
when Sports Club started the ratification round
she wasn't here yet
still in her SEP talk
we panicked
you know how they do the ratification thing?
they simply call out name of each member club
attendees from the club will stand up
and they do head-count
so we panicked
pres and vp went to another auditorium
to find her and "drag" her out
i panicked
because our turn to be ratified was coming soon
but i didn't know when they're coming back
with our pres and vp gone out to fetch the 15th person
we're left with only 12 people in the hall
there's no way to get ratified
HnF being the best indoor club for the past 5 years
is not rectified during Sports Club AGM
in front of all other member clubs
witnessed by all other chairpersons
and hundreds of committee members
when it came to the turn for indoor clubs
i really felt like giving up hope
and my brain was thinking on how to explain our situation
to Sports Club
and all other sister clubs
no one seemed to understand my/our situation
no one talked some sense to me
even the experienced members
seemed relax
not aware of the problem we're facing at that moment
just when Aerobics club was being rectified
they walked in
pres and vp bringing the 15th person
walking in
the next moment they're back to seats
our name was called
we stood up
they counted
people gasped
we got ratified
and we sat down
like nothing happened before
no one knows what happened just a few minutes ago
no one knows that Hnf was about to get rejected
you know why people gasped just now?
it's simply because there're 15 of us standing up
when the name of Health and Fitness was called
15 is a big number
because other clubs only has max 16 members
(while HnF kiao-su, recruited 18 this year)
no one knows
that was real close
(what the 15th person did right after ratification
i do not wish to think about it anymore
what she said to us after the AGM
i do not want to recall anymore)
* * *
was i over-reacting?
but if you were me
how do you stay calm
when your pres and vp weren't around
left with you handling the remaining 11 committee
to face the ratification alone