The epic 2D1N song mentioned on the previous blog post:
And i found this clip...the very first 2D1N episode I saw on KBS World on Astro at home,
which was the trigger that made me start watching 2D1N...
(do watch, there's eng sub~)
Basically what this episode was about...
this poor guy named Na PD, is not a celebrity, he's just a director
but he's the "bad guy" in the show, keep torturing and setting strict rules on the casting members
So on this episode, the members were trying to make fun of him and making bet with him:
Na PD would lose if he laugh at their jokes, and the members would be granted free breakfast the next day.
Hence, Lee Seung-gi tried and imitated his pet phrases:
1) "DDENG!!!" - shout out energetically and excitedly when member answered a quiz wrongly, eg @2:22
2) "Mission, FAIL!!!" eg @2:44
3) "Cannot." - said out coolly and robotically to reject any request from the member, eg @3:44
So, why did I got attracted by this show?
I did not know.
But now with season 1 bidding farewell months ago,
I finally know the reason why I got attracted by this show.
It's not really because the MCs are funny (well, they ARE funny)
and it's not really because the show itself is funny (well, it IS funny though)
it's because...
they have a funny PD
and you don't usually see PD as an "active" member on other variety shows, do you?
2D1N is special in the sense that, the PD himself is part of the show
a very important character ON the screen...
When Kang Hodong left the show,
they said Na PD actually had more on-screen showtime,
in order to fill in the gap KHD left...
I do think that it's true...
They lost a casting member out of sudden,
so the PD came in to replace, smoothly...
Now that the cast was changed in season 2
the rating dropped...Running Man is catching up...
I think the main problem is not only on the MCs...
Losing Na PD on the show, is a great loss...
It's loss of a brilliant director, loss of a brain, loss of an "entertainer"!!
instead of saying "i miss season 1"
maybe i shd say "i miss Na PD"~
If Na PD returns to the show, maybe, the rating could be revived~