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Sunday, March 13, 2011

KU Week 2 (7th-13th March)

Full school week
after one week of struggling
i've decided to continue with Korean class
though I can't map it back to NUS
i.e. no MC for the 4 hours per week class
NUS Science Dean Office still hasn't replied me
i'm risking my MCs by taking all those weird modules here

* * *

Think I posted on facebook before
that I accidentally took the wrong shuttle bus
and went all the way to another college of Health Sciences
a very very very ULU place
which made me wonder if I've left Seoul
i even passed by a place called Arirang-no 阿里郎路
yes...the famous Arirang song~

I should have checked the bus before boarding it >.<
The campus is not as nice as Anam campus as well...
I really thought I was brought out of Seoul by the bus >.<

10th March (Thu)
Went out with Hidayat and Mana
friends from Singapore
had dinner, norae-bang, ice-cream
and chitting-chatting for hours
even though i'm not close to them at all
well...isn't making new friends supposed to be part of the SEP life?

Jjimdak "Steamed chicken" at Anam-dong
I do not sing, but it's simply unavoidable sometimes

13th March (Sun)
The week wasn't an interesting one
except the "surprise" in evening just now
guess what

I didn't know about their concert
if i knew that it's held in KU
if i knew that it's held at the stadium in front of my hostel
sob sob...

I can see the lights from my window >.<

I'm so gonna stalk the pop stars' website from now on
and before I leave Korea
I'm so gonna attend at least one music studio
especially Inkigayo
but when can I get my Alien Card
i need the card to register for most of the Korean websites

* * *

Extra photos:

THERE'S OREO IN KOREA,touched touched
School food isn't always cheap; some canteens are more ex, but nicer food, eg Zzazang-bab (5000won)

Why am i spending money on books? Hey I'm supposed to be an SEP student!!!


雨田 said...

My sis will go mad if she know you are so near to 2am, and you didn't go see them!!!!

Yuekling said...

you should try imagine how heart-broken i was when i knew they were indeed that near to me :'(

雨田 said...

Next time must check all concert schedule in Korea! Haha.. Don't miss the chance!



Yuekling said...

haha ya i use BEAR~~ hmm what chapters are taught in your neuro?