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Tuesday, May 10, 2011

KU Week 8 (18th-24th April) - ft Midterm & Blue House

Today is actually 10th May,

* * * * *

Week 8 in KU was midterm week
it's a boring week
so i'm not writing anything rgd midterms now
maybe i can write about the courses i'm taking in KU ^^

I used the same textbook as KX
but apparently the levels we have are very different
While KX suffered in NUS, i'm actually feeling quite relax for this course :PPP
well...I'll suffer when back to NUS then >.<

Introduction to Korean Art
The course I like the most!!!
You can see it from my's full of pictures :)

The art from 3 Kingdoms period are my favourites; they will appear again when i write for my Gyeongju trip ^^

Introduction to Neuroethics
We learnt what's brain, mind and self
and some topics like Embryo moral status, Dementia, Smart Brain and drugs etc etc
Sounds interesting right?
But it's not so interesting when your prof only reads out the PPT slides
in a sleep-inducing monotone
* i scored 78 out of 100 though...
** reason? i wasn't confident enough to trust and write down my own crapping >.<

Mind and Brain
It's more of a psychology course
but linked to the function of brain while trying to explain some psychological behaviour
well...too bad it's another monotonal prof~
can't blame anyone, i'm in korea, you see~
* i scored 95, which i thought it was full mark coz i didn't see any mark-down on my paper
** but full mark is actually 100; well...i'm SUPER SATISFIED anyway, since i didn't really study :PP

Korean History: New Perspective
The only course that i regret taking~~~
It's not a History course, but history in NEW PERSPECTIVE
meaning we have to learn to DISSECT and CRITICISE the modern korean historiography
well well...
and i didn't like the way the prof conduct the lecture at first
why? he sounded really pessimistic...
and why did he have to "apologise" to the korean students before starting the course?!!
just because he's going to criticise the history that all koreans used to learn in primary and secondary school?
i still don't get it...
and the "interesting" thing about this class is that
i think
the prof prepared scripts for his lectures before-hand
no PPT slides, but he seems to be reading some sort of script from his laptop
you can tell from the tone he had while's like making some speech instead of lecture...
well well...
and midterm...
we're given essay question 2 weeks before-hand to prepare
i spent one fine Sunday to write and bluff out an essay, criticising sth that i don't really know
then on the exam day itself, just went in classroom and vomited out what i prepared
funny~~ i wonder what grade i'll be getting for this course~~
i'll have more to say about this course, when i start on my term paper later~~~

Korean Language
I can't transfer any MC back to NUS
because this course is sort of equivalent to Korean 5 in NUS
errr...yes...i'm sort of repeating the same level
didn't do well for placement test, did I :PPP
wanted to give up Korean at first since it's MC-less
but I stayed
and I don't regret ^^
simply love the atmosphere of the korean class
teacher is nice and well-tempered, classmates are enthu and friendly
what more can i ask for?
the progress of the class is very slow,
but i enjoy it and learn much more than i used to had in NUS~

* * * * *

22nd April (Friday)
Went to 청와대 Cheongwadae (Korean Presidential Residence - Blue House 青瓦台)
with JT who travelled all the way from Daejeon to Seoul

One must apply online at least 10days before visiting the Blue House
website here:
Not difficult at all...but not many people know about this...
so how did i know about the tour?
hahaha....thanks to one of the K-drama called "Really really Like You"

There's a scene where the Blue House guard said one can apply the tour through their homepage :PP

Something interesting about Korean Blue House is that
you can't find its location in any map, not even Google Map
see Google Map below, try enlarge it till you see the Label A labeling the Gyeongbok Palace
on the north of the palace, see the grey area that's "erased" from the map?
hahaha...that's Korean Blue House, the place their president works~~~

View Larger Map

Why so?
I heard from my travel guide before that
it's because North Korea once tried to bomb their presidential office
so to prevent such disaster
its exact location and details are removed from maps~

And for security purposes,
even though the Blue House are opened for public's visit
we can't take photos nor videos in it
except some "pre-determined" scenes and directions only
for example:

Nokjiwon Garden, with the 160 years old umbrella tree
The Main Building
The State Guest House

So the best way to blog about the Blue House with photos
is by giving you this URL:
go look at all the photos and introduction there yourself k :PPP

Actually it wasn't a nice weather during our tour around Blue House
it was raining :(
the scenery in rains were beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!!
you can see the mist around the mountains at far
where cherry trees were still in their full blossom
the greens were sooooo green and fresh

This was taken from Sarangchae; opposite the Blue House State Guest House
The place they having G20 Submit, at Sarangchae

Special trip, indeed~~~

* * * * *

23rd April (Saturday)

~~~ TO BE CONTINUED :ppp ~~~

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