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Thursday, October 20, 2011

寻找答案 II

So i got filtered out from NUS
that makes me step back
and think about my post-graduation plan

not all universities are that "prominent"
it's still possible to continue with Md overseas
just that
the fees are...depressing...
not many countries would be like s'pore
which have this thing called Tuition Grant
i must admit that s'pore MOE is really generous
to subsidise almost 40% of the tuition fees
in return?
you just need to work for them for 3 years (or more? i dunno)

Why give me such options now?

Why I only find out about this now?

Why why why?

Yesterday I thought I was one step nearer to the answer
but tonight
I'm one step further

* * *

this time
whom should I talk with?
my Dr uncle who got PhD in NZ?
but i'm not close to him
though he once gave me some advice
when i was choosing my major 3 years ago~

* * *

this blog is turning into a depressing diary of a depressed FYP UG...
pardon me please~

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