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Monday, February 21, 2011

Lonely Day 2 & 3

20th Feb (Sun)
that would mean yesterday actually..
and the day wasn't really that "lonely" so to say
i met a Korean friend for dinner!!!

yup yup
she the girl who went NUS for exchange last year
went out with her a few time
i was her guide last semester
and haha
it's sort of her turn this sem
my "only" friend in korea now
so hopefully we can be good friends
and i shall say goodbye to my lonely days~~

21st Feb (Mon)
i had one big luggage
2 smaller but still-heave hand-luggage
plus one laptop bag on my back
so much stuffs
as if i'm migrating instead of just an exchange for 4 months
oh yes
i regret it
shouldn't bring so much clothes...
should have just come here empty-handed
and shop shop shop :PP

so i took a taxi from my hotel
met a really kind taxi driver
he said he was a Korean teacher
and he actually advised me to speak Korean more
be brave
hmm okay...i'll try then~

well i finally moved into CJ I-House!!!
the first impression i have on CJ:
hehe... kidding
it has a proper lobby with proper reception table
it has lift to each floor
clean and tidy corridor looks exactly like a hotel corridor
inside the room?
as good as NUS High School Residence
or maybe even better!!!
the room is new, clean, and big
bigger than the double room in NUS High~
but of course, the 4-bedded suite room in NUS High is incomparable
PGP? way~

so i spent the whole afternoon to unpack
then eat
then figure how to get internet
and finally
my roommate arrived!!!!
a chinese girl
looks good
hopefully we will get along well :)

nice double room
lotsss of cupboards... ( see my luggages)

roomy (have a glimpse at the toilet, shared by 2 rooms)
after cozy nest for the next 4 months


miLk girL said...


Yuekling said...

我也喜欢 :)