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Monday, March 7, 2011

Not cheap here~

Lunch with KUBA in Insa-dong~
명동칼국수+만두 (明洞板面+水饺)- 8,000Won
떡만두국 (年糕+水饺汤)- 3.500Won
비빔밥(石锅拌饭)- 5,500Won
심겹살(三层肉)- 8,000Won
School Canteen Food - CHEAPEST!!!! - 2,500Won
"Instant Food" not very cheap actually - ~4,000Won per meal
Lotteria Shrimp Burger Set - 4,500Won
Bee Cheng Hiang from Myeongdong!!!! TT_____TT
My last few pieces of OREO from home :(

* * *

New shoes!!!! - 50,000Won
Now I need a bag :P


雨田 said...

saah... Your new shoe very nice!!
How do you convert won?

Yuekling said...

hehe...arigatou~~ i need a bag now, but think i've spent too much alr >.<

hmm i dunno the latest rate, but it's 1000won = RM3 roughly...
